Tag Archives: Cisneros


7 Jun

Cisneros, Sandra. Caramelo, Or, Puro Cuento: A Novel.

New York: Knopf, 2002. Print.

ISBN: 0679435549


Written by Sandra Cisneros.

Reviewed by Veronica Herrera.

Listen to the booktalk.

The reader first meet Celaya the main character when she is a young girl and as the novel progresses the reader sees her mature into adulthood. The book takes place in both Mexico and the United states. Celaya’s family spends most of their summer in Mexico. Mexico is filled with different colors and even different sounds.  Celaya’s family is loud boisterous but how could they not be when there are eight brothers? The story plays out like a loud novela. There is the antagonist, the awful Grandmother and the not so graceful protagonist Celaya. Like in any novela, Celaya must meet her prince and run away with him.  Celaya must learn the hard lesson about love and lose before her ever-loving father rescues her.

People who loved House on Mango Street will surely love this book. The story is captivating and filled with details. The reader will become immersed into another vibrant culture through this book. The reader will surely fall in love with one of the many colorful characters in the book. Cisneros once again speaks to the reader’s need of drama, tall tales and adventure.  This book is long but the reader will hardly notice as the pages fly by. This book is appropriate for high school students and covers many of the issues that adolescent deal with such as self-identity, family and love. Teenagers will be able to relate to Celaya’s yearning for independence and fierce love of freedom.

Links to other Caramelo goodies:

Interview with Sandra Cisneros –Early Life.

